AaronShirt LLC - Iowa Hawkeyes First Responders Law Enforcement Appreciation T-Shirts

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Attempting to change one’s own appearance is so often falsely placed on a kind of morality scale. And my feelings of ugliness, when I was perhaps less enlightened about the systems at play which police unruly bodies, have often been most vivid when I do something to my body that I have been told is “bad.” Like smoking, eating fast food, drinking too much, skipping exercise. And so I’ve made strange choices in the name of this false goodness: wild diets, impossible gym routines, binging and purging, backstreet Botox.

Iowa Hawkeyes First Responders Law Enforcement Appreciation T-Shirts

Behind every luminous star on the red carpet, there is a team of people who help to keep them looking their best. But alongside the personal trainers, makeup artists, and facialists getting their shout-outs on Instagram, there works another, more anonymous behind-the-scenes expert who is absent from the tags: the aesthetic doctor. Yes, the person who wields all manner of needles and lasers is often the unheralded savior of a famous face. The best in the business tweak, enhance, and hone, but their efforts are barely detectable it’s a common misconception that you can always tell when a celebrity has had something done. Actually, that’s only when they’ve had something done badly.

Iowa Hawkeyes First Responders Law Enforcement Appreciation T-Shirts Long Sleeve

Model Gabbriette Bechtel is drinking a green juice when we speak over Zoom. It’s a choice typical of a Cali native, but Gabbriette isn’t your average Cali girl. With her shock of raven hair, pencil-thin brows, and almost all leather wardrobe, the 25-year-old is more high gothic priestess than Lycra-clad granola queen. It’s giving Angelina Jolie in her brother-kissing, blood-drinking era, and the internet can’t get enough. Born in Orange County, Gabbriette never really felt like she fit in. “The majority of students at my high school were beautiful, strictly white blonde girls, and my sister and I were Hispanic. I was called some pretty awful things. But then I just learned to laugh at it.” Instead of playing volleyball at the beach with her classmates, Gabbriette hung out in the dance theater. “I was convinced I was going to be a professional ballerina, and I still am.”

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