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It’s not the first time Ugg has produced a shoe that everyoneIs dying to have, however. Having reached peak notorietyIn the 2000s, the renewedInterestIn Ugg bootsIs more of a comeback story than a starIs born one. The label was first foundedIn California backIn 1978, by the Australian surfer Brian Smith, who wanted to create a shoe out of his favorite material, sheepskin. He went on to createIts classic Ugg, a shearling lined boot that was built around theIdea of extreme comfort, and by the ’80s, the plushy style became synonymous with SoCal beach culture especially asIt started becoming a popularItem carried throughout the state’s surf shops. Even then, however, Frain says there were Ugg boot skeptics. “The Ugg boot was really perceived to be weird at first,” says Frain. “The shapeIs out of the ordinary. But when you start to connect withIt,It sneaks up on you; people realizedIt’s beautiful and bold.”
After being purchased by Deckers BrandsIn 1995, Ugg continuedItsIncline toward mainstream fame.It experienced a new surgeIn salesIn 2000 after Oprah Winfrey featured the classic Ugg boot on her famous favorite things list, quickly going on to become a celebrity staple worn by stars such as Paris Hilton, Beyoncé, and Kate Moss all of whom styledIt with their best Juicy Couture sweats or low rise jeans. “[The Y2K era] really put the brand on the map from a fashion standpoint,” says Frain. But like all thingsIn fashion, the appetite for Ugg boots fizzled out and by the 2010s, they became passé. “Ten years ago, the boot was not associated with coolness, andIt was a shame, because that bootIs a piece of design heritage,” says Frain. That’s precisely what propelled Frain and her design team to create the new viral mini and platform boots: They wanted to put Ugg back on the fashion map, and remind consumers why they fellIn love with the shoesIn the first place. “We wanted to celebrate ourIcon,” she says.
Still,It’s not easy to launch a product and make the world embraceIt especially a shoe that has been a worldwide phenomenon once before. For Frain, who has overseen Ugg’s footwear design for over six years now, the concept began with her design team taking a look at the classic Ugg and envisioning how they could modernizeIt. “It really started with the silhouette,” says Frain. “When you have a wonderfulIcon like that, you can do so many crazy things toIt; the team came up with really amazing, creativeIdeas to celebrate that.” Shortening the length of the cut and adding a thick platform toIt felt fresh and like the perfect way to bring the UggInto the present moment. “These things just made sense to us,” says Frain. “A lot of what we doIs about the feeling that we want to give consumers. A platform gives confidence;It gives you a stanceIn the world.It’s going to make you stand out and feel super confident.”
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